Wednesday 20 October 2010

HAPTICS (greek for the science of touch)

I found this word in the book 'TYPE ONE'
It explains that "haptics, in the context of typography describes directly touching and feeling objects and spatial arrangements. In a 3 dimensional world haptics is a basic element of all mental understanding. If tactile and visual perception are linked, the third dimension can be presented optically in two dimesnions... Haptic feeling and touching leads to a visual grasp, to recognising and acknowledging an image that the brain has already stored."

This shows the importance of the way we use type and image and how is can (if done correctly) have a huge effect on what a person thinks and feels. If I design type which forces the human brain to conjure up a positive feeling of being outside then it will have done what I would of wanted... But how?
Of course I am going to begin to experiment with tactile type faces and images. It is all about trial and error.

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