It is really exciting to be writing down things I want to do and my expectations of the year knowing that it will probably all happen if I take responsibility and get on with it.
This was an attempt to summarise our practice within a simple sentence. Considering my intent to go into a couple of areas which in fact contrast I struggled to come up with just ONE sentence.
An Investigation into promoting charities using stop motion animation with a focus on hand rendered type.
An investigation into pattern considering its use across a range of products with a focus on colour but always considering layout.
Whilst focussing on charities, an investigation into Branding and identity.
An investigation into the branding and identity of charities with a focus on type and layout.
An individual and creative response to greetings cards and wedding stationary with a focus on type and colour.
Although I tried to come up with THE sentence... I don't think any of these are it.
We were then told about a couple of students from last year who used quite open words like concept driven, branding & identity, Print focussed, Editorial, Layout, format and distribution.
This then made me question specific words which described the sort of designed I want to be.
Concept driven, Ethical/charitable, format, print-digital balance, Hand rendered, Branding and identity.
I'm not entirely sure how to put all this in a sentence but possibly.

Although this image doesn't sum up this sentence... obviously something has gone wrong there... I do love this and wish I had done it. I think this is just one area of my hopes for this year - Print based, hand rendered, type based and just generally friendly design. But friendly design doesn't seem very professional? So how do I word that? To be worked out today!!
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