2. Everytime I go into Pret a manger I am greeted by these beautiful designs. The simplicity is perfect and imagination like this is rare. I love the direct connection with the company and the way your mind is left thinking about it.
This is a perfect example of thinking outside the box and not having to just use type and illustration to demonstrate a point well. Of course decent photography skills are needed alongside this and so shows the importance of collaboration.
Definitely something I would be proud to produce.
This paper crafted chilli recipe is so simple, colourful and well crafted. I love the hands on approach to design. Working out things by playing with paper and other materials has got to be my favourite past-time as well as seeing its progression and eventually the final project. I am one to be patient when creating something with my hands as I have previously attempting to make an office out of paper including a computer, lamp an stapler (and more) . Paper is a great love of mine and I would like to make my own mark when it comes to crafting. I'm not entirely sure how to create something as original as this but you have to start somewhere.
4. Although completely different to all of the above I would still like to keep my mind open when it comes to digital creations and I feel James Joyce is my ideal designer when it boils down to the best, (in my opinion). Simple symbolic imagery links with well thought out type face choices and the perfect colour mixes really make his work stand out. Mainly print based I feel his exhibition looks professionally skill-full and really creative. He blossoms most with his use of play on words and quotations. I could imagine the majority of his work is used as poster design and I would love to own one or two of his prints.
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